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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


ANR VACSIM: Validation of critical control-command systems by coupling simulation and formal analysis, 2011-2014, web site

Partners: EDF R&D, Dassault Systèmes, LURPA, I3S, LaBRI, and Inria SUMO.

The project aims at developing both methodological and formal contributions for the simulation and validation of control-command systems. SUMO contributes to quantitative analysis and its application to testing, monitoring of timed systems, and verification of communicating timed automata.

ANR Ctrl-Green: Autonomic management of green data centers, 2011-2014

Partners: UJF/LIG, INPT/IRIT, Inria SUMO, EOLAS, Scalagent.

This project aims at developing techniques for the automatic optimal management of reconfigurable systems in the context of data centers using discrete controller synthesis methodology applied in the synchronous paradigm.

ANR ImpRo: Implementability and Robustness of Timed Systems, 2010-2014, web site

Partners: IRCCyN, LIP6, LSV, LIAFA, LIF, and Inria SUMO.

This project addresses the issues related to the practical implementation of formal models for the design of communicating embedded systems: such models abstract many complex features or limitations of the execution environment. The modeling of time, in particular, is usually ideal, with infinitely precise clocks, instantaneous tests or mode commutations, etc. Our objective is thus to study to what extent the practical implementation of these models preserves good properties that are satisfied by idealized models. Within IMPRO, members of SUMO mainly focus on robustness issues for timed models (timed automata, timed Petri nets,...), and diagnosis.

ANR STOCH-MC: Model-Checking of Stochastic Systems using approximated algorithms, 2014-2018.

Led by SUMO.

Partners: Inria Project Team CONTRAINTES (Rocquencourt), LaBRI (Bordeaux), and LIAFA (Paris).

The aim of STOCH-MC is to perform model-checking of large stochastic systems, using controlled approximations. Two formalisms will be considered: Dynamic Bayesian Networks, which represent compactly large Markov Chains; and Markov Decision Processes, allowing non deterministic choices on top of probabilities.

National informal collaborations

We collaborate with Yliès Falcone (VaSCO - LIG) on the enforcement of timed properties and Tristan Le Gall (CEA) on the control of distributed systems.

We collaborate with Arnaud Sangnier (LIAFA) on the parameterized verification of probabilistic systems.